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Saturday, December 16, 2006

survey! hahaha
Ever spin around in circles until you got so dizzy you fell?:yes
What's the most comfortable thing you own?:a pillow
Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?:pag umuulan
How long does it take for you to take a shower?:20-30 mins
Have you ever stolen a sign from a street?:huh?
What was the last thing you were thinking about?:food
If you could change your MIDDLE name, what would it be?:sago.. haha..
Is the moon out right now?:ewan
What's the heaviest thing you own, besides a car?:ewan
Do you live on your own?:no
Who's car were you in last?:ours
What's your relationship status?:single
Who was the last person to ever kiss you?:mommy!
When was the last time you held hands with someone?:mommy! kanina..
Do you have a crush/like someone right now?:nope
Have you ever wished upon a star for a certain someone?:yes
What was the weirdest moment with you and your bf/gf?:n/a hahaha
Is love even real to you?:oo.. why would God make us?
Warm up near a fire or cuddle under the stars?:nope
Who is the person you regret being/doing something with the most?:wala naman
Most romantic: flowers or chocolate?:chocolate.. hindi ako vegetarian eh.. sori
If single... are you lookin around?:no
If taken... are you happy?:n/a
Do you like being around a large group of friends, or two best friends?:group of friends
What's one of your weird quirks that nobody really understands?:wala naman.. ata..
Ever thought about why grass is green?:they have chlorophyll eh
Can you build a detailed sand castle?:no.. epal nga eh
Ever bit someone else's tongue?:yuck
Have you ever tackled someone to the ground?:no
What's one of your favorite possessions?:watch comb
Do you like to sleep?:of course
Is your bed comfortable?:yes
What's the most awkward thing that happened to you in public this month?:public.. wala naman
Who's the last person that freaked you out?:ewan.. wala ata
Who was the last person to compliment you?:sarili ko..
What's in your purse/backpack/other(pockets, wallet...)?:money $_$
Do you feel like life will be easier when you're older, or harder?:harder
How come macaroni and cheese is so good?:malay
Is pink the new black?:huh?? labo..
What thought made you cry last?:wala naman

posted by ~angel~ @ 1:42:00 AM

Friday, December 08, 2006


ang saya bakasyon na...

nakakatamad magpost...


posted by ~angel~ @ 1:50:00 AM